The HUSARC project is a non-profit information hub on sarcoma models, that aims to illuminate the community on sarcoma models and connect researchers. It will provide a rapid orientation on available models and highlight particular gaps.

Researchers can advertise their models for collaborations or also, if available, to share. will be stronger the more groups contribute.



Sarcomas comprise a highly heterogeneous group of mesenchymal tumors that represent less than 2% of all cancers. Outcome of patients with advanced disease remains poor with the exception of few genetically well-defined subtypes, such as GIST. For many sarcomas few and poorly characterized cell lines / PDX models or no models at all are publicly available for translational research. The HUSARC website aims to serve as a central information hub to  collect information on all cell lines and PDX models, both publicly available and those available through cooperation with researchers. 

To date, a total of 116 sarcoma cell lines have been cataloged in HUSARC!


The HUSARC project is part of the FORTRESS (FORum For Translational REsearch in SarcomaS) initiative. FORTRESS is an academic, non-for-profit  scientific meeting, with a focus of fostering collaborative translational sarcoma research. @fortressmeeting

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